Today I am going to show you the way of resizing &
converting all of your desired images by Photoshop (Ps). I am using Ps Cs3
version. No matter what is yours because it can be done by the older versions
of Ps. To perform this task-
1. Copy all of your favorite images/pictures into a new folder.
2. Open Photoshop. Make sure that your Ps ACTIONS pallet this enabled. If you don't understand, go to Window\Actions or press Alt+F9
from keyboard. A new window will appear on the right side of the workspace.
Keep that as it.
3. Open a photo from your copied folder.
4. Click on Create new action button.
6. Resize your opened image from Image\Image size... as you want. (Remember to uncheck Constrain Proportions first. I am using 176*220 as my
mobile screen resolution; you can change it. )
Click Ok & save it by save as JPEG/JPG to a New Folder.
Close that edited image.
6. Stop Recording from action pallet.
5. Go to File\Automate\Batch... A new window may appear.
Give settings like below-
Firstly, choose your source folder. (It is different location for you.)
Secondly, change Destination: to Folder
Thirdly, choose your output folder (It is different location for you.)
At last click Ok & see!!! It has just begun...